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dc.contributor.authorWilliam Taylor-
dc.contributor.authorNguyễn Thu Hằng-
dc.contributor.authorPhạm Quang Tú-
dc.contributor.authorHuỳnh Thị Ngọc Tuyết-
dc.creatorWilliam Taylor
dc.creatorNguyễn Thu Hằng
dc.creatorPhạm Quang Tú
dc.creatorHuỳnh Thị Ngọc Tuyết
dc.description.abstractThis comparative research project provides an overview of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Vietnam. The research was carried out in Vietnam’s two major metropolitan areas, Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, which are the bases for the majority of Vietnamese CSOs. The research team selected fifty representative CSOs from each city, interviewing leaders of those organizations on multiple aspects of civil society operation and development. The findings focus on civil society governance, programmatic focus, operational approaches, forms of engagement with other sectors such as businesses and government, networking, and funding.-
dc.sourceThe Asian Foundationvi
dc.subjectCivil societyvi
dc.subjectCivil society organizationsvi
dc.subjectDevelopment of civil society in Vietnamvi
dc.titleCivil Society in Vietnam: A Comparative Study of Civil Society Organizations in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City-
Appears in Collections:Phân quyền - Pháp luật
Phân quyền - Tổ chức bộ máy nhà nước

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